Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winter Market Day Campaign Fund Raiser

Our fall Market Day Fundraiser was a success with funds being raised for 4H as a whole and individual clubs. We are ready to give it another trying in hopes that more clubs will be able to participate with a longer turnaround time in this campaign. Brochures are being placed in meeting rooms and if you need additional brochures or order forms, please call Linda Hoade at the 4H office; 610-489-4315.
The time frame is as follow;
  1. Orders due to Linda in the 4H Center by Monday March 2, 2009.
  2. Pick up at 4H Center is Saturday March 28, 2009.
  3. Payment must be included with your order, checks made payable to; 4H Development Fund
Be sure to include club and member’s name on the order form so proper credit can be given.
4H Development Fund will give 50% of profit raised back to clubs based on individual club sales.
Please note; you must pick up your items on the specified date and times as 4H has no place to store items that are not picked up. Items that are not picked up will be donated to “Manna on Main St.” in Lansdale.
Questions? Contact Linda Hoade@ 610-489-4315 or