Saturday, March 14, 2009 9:00-1:00 Montgomery Co 4H Ctr. 1015 Bridge Road (Rt. 113) Creamery, PA Turn your old tack into BIG BUCK$$.
Find a new home for the great stuff you have collected over the years.
Join the Tail Gaiters 4H Club at the 4H Center for a spring clean-out-the-barn community Tack Swap. Rent a table for just $15 each. The tack swap is a fundraiser for Tail Gaiters. We will be having a club table if you have anything you would like to donate to the club to sell, just let us know, we can pick it up, clean it up. All proceeds will benefit the Tail Gaiters 4H Club. Refreshments will be available, sponsored by Tail Gaiters.
Contact Sally at 215-778-6685 for more information and table reservations. Or send the reservation form to: Sally Hibbert, 4H 1015 Bridge Road, Suite H Collegeville, PA 19426
2008-2009 Horse Bowl/Hippology Practice
Would you like to increase your knowledge about horses? Would you like to get to know kids from other horse clubs? Hippology and Horse Bowl may be for you!!
Open to 4-H horse members ages 8-18. Practices are in the Hickory room at the 4-H Center from 7-8:30pm on the following days: Mon Nov 10 Wed Dec 10 Thurs Jan 22 Tues Feb 17 Wed Mar 4 Come out and have fun learning about horses. You do not have to attend every practice.

Chris Hanebury receives the Betty Ann Davis Award for 4-H Horse Club Mother of the Year 2008 from Central Horse & Pony's George Shenkle at the 2008 Equine Award Banquet held January 24, 2009.
Join the Tail Gaiters 4H Club at the 4H Center for a spring clean-out-the-barn community Tack Swap. Rent a table for just $15 each. The tack swap is a fundraiser for Tail Gaiters. We will be having a club table if you have anything you would like to donate to the club to sell, just let us know, we can pick it up, clean it up. All proceeds will benefit the Tail Gaiters 4H Club. Refreshments will be available, sponsored by Tail Gaiters.
Contact Sally at 215-778-6685 for more information and table reservations. Or send the reservation form to: Sally Hibbert, 4H 1015 Bridge Road, Suite H Collegeville, PA 19426
2008-2009 Horse Bowl/Hippology Practice
Would you like to increase your knowledge about horses? Would you like to get to know kids from other horse clubs? Hippology and Horse Bowl may be for you!!
Open to 4-H horse members ages 8-18. Practices are in the Hickory room at the 4-H Center from 7-8:30pm on the following days: Mon Nov 10 Wed Dec 10 Thurs Jan 22 Tues Feb 17 Wed Mar 4 Come out and have fun learning about horses. You do not have to attend every practice.

Chris Hanebury receives the Betty Ann Davis Award for 4-H Horse Club Mother of the Year 2008 from Central Horse & Pony's George Shenkle at the 2008 Equine Award Banquet held January 24, 2009.