In recognition of Earth Day, the 4-H Livestock Club is sponsoring "Clean Up Day at the 4-H Center" on April 25 from 1 to 5 pm. All 4-H Clubs are invited and encouraged to participate!
Why is this important? We have a terrific facility that is available for our use, and we do not have to pay rent. Let's all help maintain the property so that we can continue to use it!
Here are some of the things we need to do:
- Weed, mulch, and edge the flower beds.
- Clean the attic and basement.
- Replace the walkway to the shooting sports area (at least remove the old one).
- Remove/replace rotting poles and ties around the facility.
- Clean lights in the barns.
- Rake sand and permaflex back into the show rings.
- Barn cleaning (not to be confused with barn raising).
- Repair a door.
- Gloves.
- Rakes.
- Shovels.
Water and snacks will be provided.
Let's work together and celebrate Earth Day by cleaning up the 4-H Center.