Thursday, December 9, 2010

Teen Veterinary Science Short Course Offered

Penn State Cooperative Extension of Montgomery County invites all teens to attend a 4-H Teen Veterinary Science course being offered in the Trappe area. The course is open to all youth ages 15-18, who are seriously interested in learning more about veterinary medicine as a career. According to County 4-H Coordinator Nancy Kadwill, "We plan to address how to prepare for a career, look at schooling needs, and help participants experience some of the daily duties of a veterinarian or vet technician. We are very pleased to have the staff of the Animal Medical Center in Trappe again volunteering to be our instructors”. Other topics will include determining animal health (office visits), animal handling and safety, acupuncture, lab radiology, and parasite control. Members may also have an opportunity to view a surgery procedure on one of the nights. You will get to enjoy the “sights, sounds and smells” of the profession. A certificate will be presented to all teens who complete the course.

The course will run five Thursday nights, from February 3rd, up to and including March 3rd. Classes will be held from 6:30-8:00 PM at the Animal Medical Center in Trappe, located on Route 113 (25 West Third Avenue) near Ridge Pike.

Pre-registration is required. Enrollment is limited to18 teens. The Animal Medical Center deals primarily with companion animals and exotics. For more details, contact the 4-H office at 610-489-4315 or visit for a flier and application form.

The 4-H program is requesting a $25.00 donation per person to help cover the cost of materials and support the 4-H program. Enrollees need to send a check, payable to "Montgomery County Ext. Special Acct” to: Montgomery County 4-H, 1015 Bridge Road, Suite H, Collegeville, PA, 19426, prior to the course. Be sure to earmark the check “Trappe Vet. Sci. Course.” Youth do not need to be in 4-H prior to the course but by enrolling in the program they will be listed as a member for the year. Along with the check, also include your name, address, age and birthdate, e-mail, phone number and reason for wanting to be in the course.