4-H Fair T-shirt ContestSponsored by Teen Council
Open to 4-H members of all agesAll 4-H members are invited to participate in the 2nd annual Teen Council T-shirt contest. The T-shirts will be on sale during the fair!
Designs for T-shirts must be clearly drawn in black pen/marker and must represent the majority of the 4-H clubs. Designs must not be colored in.
Designs will be judged on originality, creativity, and overall representation of 4-H.
Each design must be accompanied by an entry form. Multiple designs may be submitted by the same individual.
The creator of the winning design will receive a $100 savings bond, a free T-shirt, and recognition at the fair. Two runner-ups will also receive a free T-shirt.
For more information, please contact Jo Ambrose at 215-616-2441.
You may download an entry form here: